Advertisement for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in an ANRF (formerly
SERB) funded project (CRG/2023/003432)

Principal Investigator: Prof. (Dr.) Anjana Sharma, Department of Pharmacy, Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Applications are invited for the research project entitled “Comprehending the Correlation between Nanoinformatics Data and Mechanistic Nanoformulations”. The appointment will be of a temporary/contractual nature and coterminous for the maximum for the 36 months duration of project.

Attribute Details
Name of Position Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Number of Post 01 (One)
Name of Sponsoring Agency Anusandhan National Research Fellowship (ANRF), Govt. of India
Duration 3 (Three) years or up to the termination of project, subject to annual performance review
Fellowship Rs. 37,000 + HRA
Educational Qualifications Essential: M.Pharm / M.S. Pharm / M.Sc. (Bioinformatics) with First Division
Desirable GPAT/GATE/NET/CSIR Qualified
Required Knowledge a. Computational Studies and Informatics
b. Fabrication of Nano-formulations
c. Animal Handling
d. Scientific Writing Skills
Upper Age Limits 28 years (Relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/OBC/women and physically handicapped candidates as per Govt. of India norms)

Interested candidates can apply in the prescribed application form mentioned below on or before 22nd February 2025.

No TA / DA will be paid if called for an interview.

For any query, please contact to: Prof. (Dr.) Anjana Sharma, Principal Investigator (Mob. No. +91-9897381678; Email Id:


JRF Position in a SERB-Funded Project, CRG/2023/003432

Personal Details :

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Education (Starting from matriculation)

Qualifying Examinations (CSIR/UGC/GATE/GPAT)

Professional Experiences (Teaching/Research/Industrial)


I hereby, declare that I have carefully read the instructions and particulars supplied to me and that the entries made in this application form are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. If selected for the post, I promise to abide by the rules and discipline of the institute.
I note that the decision of the institute is final in regard to selection for appointment and assignment to a particular department and field of study. The institute will have the right to expel me from the institute at any time after my appointment, provided it is satisfied that I was appointed on false particulars furnished by me or my antecedents prove that my continuance in the institute is not desirable. I agree that I shall abide by the decision of the institute, which will be final.

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