Faculty Induction Program-2019 “Chai Pe Charcha”
Faculty Induction Program-2019 “Chai Pe Charcha”
16 July 2019
“The corner stone of any education system is teachers and the quality of education is both determined and dependent on the quality of its teachers”.
At Lloyd its employees are its assets as they don’t join the organization but we believe they join our family, with this purview an Induction cum informal meet of new faculty members of Management and Pharmacy was organized on 16 July 2019 with the theme- “Chai Pe Charcha” to familiarize them in their roles as freshly inducted faculties and introducing them with other faculty members.
At last, Dr. Vandana Arora Sethi, Group Director Lloyd shared her rich experiences and insights about being good, effective, motivating teachers who are custodians of values and culture of a society as well as change agents, role model, society and nation building and some administrative aspects including procedures and rules of the institution followed by tea and snacks.